Biomechanical Testing
- Kinematic Analysis: 10 camera Infrared VICON (Oxford Metrics, UK) MX Motion Capture System with capture frequencies exceeding 1000 Hz will provide high-resolution three-dimensional motion analysis capabilities
- Kinetic Analysis: Two floor embedded and one portable AMTI OR662000 (AMTI Corp, Watertown, MA) 6 channel strain-guage force platforms for overground tasks and other tasks like stair ascent-descent, sit to stand etc.

Subject undergoing Motion Analysis
during a DropJump Task
Delsys Wireless EMG System Features:
- Patented Parallel-Bar technology guarantees high fidelity signals
- Multi-function design embeds Triaxial Accelerometry in each sensor
- 16 EMG channels, 48 accelerometer channels
- Patent Pending Motion Artifact Suppression
- Selectable +/-1.5g or +/-6g range
- 64 Ch. of Real-time Analog Output for Motion Capture integration
- Guaranteed performance to 40m
- 37mm x 26mm x 15mm
- 8 hours of operation in full transmission mode
- 2-hour recharge time
- 16-bit resolution, 4000 Hz sampling rate
- Compatible with EMGworks software
- USB Connection to PC (laptop or desktop)
- <500us inter-sensor latency
- Real-time feedback of signal strength & battery status

EMG for the thigh and calf muscles
Functional Testing
Standardized functional tests including the 6 Minute Walk Test, Timed up and go test, Stair Climbing Test, Hop Test, Y-Balance Test can all be performed in the UCSF Human Performance Center.

Subject performing the Single Leg Hop Test

Subject undergoing Y-Balance Testing
Muscle Performance Testing
Primus RS Multimodal Dynamometer:Primus RS multimodal dynamometer from BTE Technologies is capable of comprehensive muscle performance evaluation through isometric, isokinetic and isotonic testing and evaluation. Output data options include: peak force production, torque vs. speed, and torque vs. angle quantification, and dynamic endurance with detailed power production per repetition. Exercise feedback includes: real time target force tracking, real time work power output, and changes in range of motion for immediate progress comparisons. The Primus RS is a versatile dynamometry system that allows for nearly limitless configurations of the dynamometer head to allow for standard isolated muscle evaluations (quadriceps – knee extension, hamstrings – knee flexion, etc) but also allows for a wide variety of alternative functional testing positions.

Quadriceps Muscle Performance Testing
using the Primus RS Dynamometer
Human Performance Testing
Parvo Medics' TrueOne®2400 is a compact, integrated metabolic measurement system for cardiopulmonary stress testing, indirect calorimetry, and maximal O2 consumption measurement. The complete system includes a Dell computer, Windows 7TM Professional, laser printer, high efficiency mixing chamber, metabolic measurement software, accessories, mobile cart and a compact analyzer module.
02 Analyzer
Range: 0-100% or 0-25%
Accuracy: 0.1%
Response < 500 ms
CO2 Analyzer
Range: 0-10%
Accuracy: 0.1%
Response < 90 ms
Flow/Volume Measurement
Rudolph heated pneumotach
Range: 0-800 Liters/minutes
Accuracy: +/-2% with Precision "Yeh" Algorithm
3-Liter precision calibration syringe
E-cylinder calibration gas and regulator
Rudolph Two-way rebreathing valve
Head support
Mouthpieces, nose clips and tubing
Mobile cart
Standard Measurements
Metabolic equivalents (METS)
Maximal oxygen uptake (V02)
Minute ventilation (VE)
Ventilatory equivalents (VE/V02 VE/VC02)
Respiratory gas exchange ration (RER)
Carbon dioxide production (VC02)
Ergometer work (watts)
Treadmill work (speed & elevation)

VO2 Max Testing in the Human Performance Center
Activity Monitoring
The tibial-mounted high-frequency, high-bandwidth wireless physical activity monitor (wi-PAM) has recently been developed and validated at UCSF. The tri-axial accelerometer is securely fixed to the proximal tibia using a knee strap . A durable, flexible ribbon connects the accelerometer to a custom circuit board which includes a 3.7 V, 10 amp-hour battery and a 2 GB micro SD memory card, housed in an ultra high-molecular weight polyethylene casing. An on-board microcontroller (Atmel ATMEGA1284P) maintains constant communication with the accelerometer, reading and recording high frequency vibration. The CPU board and battery are housed in a neoprene sleeve that wraps comfortably around the subjects lower leg. The wi-PAM is designed to be as unobstructive as possible and fit comfortable under casual and athletic clothing, and durable enough to withstand high impacts experienced during typical sporting activities (soccer, football, etc). It can capture triaxial acceleration data at 6000 Hz for 5 continuous days.